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Today 50 acres (20 hectares) of rainforest evaporate every minute, and two dozen species become extinct every day in the rainforests (Source). Rainforest Alliance which is one of the largest non-governmental organization (NGO) carries out ten fundamental projects to conserve the rainforests (Source). The NGO was started by Daniel Katz who led a group of volunteers in 1986. After that in 2000, Daniel Katz stepped down, and Tensie Whelan, who was a volunteer for long time and a board member, became a new leader of the NGO (Source). The headquarter of Rainforest Alliance is in New York City that has branches in North and South America, Asia, Africa, Europe and program work in more than 100 countries that have their cultures with the natural world. Rainforest Alliance is at international level now, but actually it was an insignificant NGO when it was born (Source). The NGO is based on ten principles, such as the following (Source):

- Social and Environmental Management System

- Ecosystem Conservation

- Wildlife Protection

- Water Conservation

- Fair Treatment and Good Working Conditions

for Workers

- Occupational Health and Safety

- Community Relations

- Integrated Crop Management

- Soil Management & Conservation

- Integrated Waste Management

People are losing a lot of living creatures that are the companions on the same planet by their hands. Can they abandon the rainforests? Let’s learn more about Rainforest Alliance to preserve them.


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